February is a month of hearts, love and Valentines. It’s THE PERFECT month to look for little opportunities to add extra splashes of happiness to our regular routines. Give these a try!
Have something to look forward to. This can be anything, from your favorite cup of
coffee to a planned Zoom catch-up session with a friend.
Kiss (or hug) someone you love. Psychologists believe that starting the day with affection can help foster a positive attitude and healthier lifestyle. In fact, a 10- year study concluded that men who kiss their spouse before work live five years longer, make 20-30% more money and are 50% less likely to get in a car accident.
Say thank you. Help others feel appreciated and boost your own mood by activelypracticing gratitude.
Practice. Instead of spending your evening watching TV, a habit that’s been linked to lower life satisfaction, try practicing something you enjoy, such as knitting, creative writing or Sudoku.
Remember the good. Write down at least three good things that happened during the day, including why they were good. Don’t forget to use your Gentian Gratitude journal!
Dim the lights. Ease into a good night’s sleep by turning off your phone, TV and computer at least one hour before bedtime. Using a smartphone for 10 minutes is the equivalent of spending an hour in bright daylight.
Don’t go to bed angry. Instead, aim to go to bed feeling grateful!